Prevent and Treat The 3-Highs With TCM | High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Diabetes - Oriental Remedies Group

Prevent and Treat The 3-Highs With TCM | High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Diabetes

In Mandarin, the 3-Highs, otherwise known as San Gao (三高), is an umbrella term that refers to 3 commonly seen metabolic disorders known as Hypertension – high blood pressure (HBP) (高血压), Hyperlipidemia – high triglycerides (HTG) (高脂血症) and Hyperglycemia – high blood glucose (HBG) (高血糖血症). The 3-Highs are technically not TCM terms but rather the Mandarin translation for a group of 3 metabolic conditions commonly described in western medicine.

Constantly elevated blood glucose that is not well-controlled can eventually lead to diabetes, which brings a host of complications that can lead to kidney problems, eye diseases, foot damage and numbness. Uncontrolled blood pressure is a risk factor for stroke and ischemic heart disease [1][2], while high triglycerides (colloquially known as high cholesterol) in the blood can cause hardening of the arteries which similarly leads to increased risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease [3].

So now that we know what are 3-Highs and their effects, let’s understand the common causes of these common conditions:

3 Highs Common causes Other causes

(High Blood Pressure)

  • Stress
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Family history of the disorder
  • Obesity/being overweight
  • Diet high in salt, fat, and/or cholesterol
  • Genetics
  • Aging
  • Certain medicine e.g. birth control pills
  • Smoking or drinking too much alcohol

(High Blood Glucose)



  • Illnesses, such as colds
  • Overeating/Over snacking between meals
  • Certain medicines, such as steroids

(High Triglycerides)

  • Smoking
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Eating foods high in saturated fats/trans fats


In TCM, the 3-Highs are seen as symptoms and expressions of a disease or Syndrome. For instance, an individual with Liver-Fire uprising Syndrome would often present with hypertension; high blood glucose is often seen in people who have Xiao Ke Bing; high triglycerides are commonly found in individuals who fit into the Phlegm-Dampness Syndrome. Of course, these are generalisations and one should avoid self-diagnosis in the absence of a trained TCM physician.

Hence, when it comes to TCM treatments, the root cause is always the target of the treatment. With successful treatments, not only will the 3-Highs be resolved but also the other symptoms and expressions that come with it. With that being said, how can TCM help alleviate symptoms of the 3-Highs?


Using TCM herbs to prevent and manage the 3-Highs

1) Home remedies – TCM herbal tea

a. Chrysanthemum for hypertension


Ingredients: Chrysanthemum (3-5g per person)

Directions: See notes below

Effects: Dispel Wind and Heat, calm the Liver and improve eyesight, clear away Heat and detoxify body. Modern medical research has shown that chrysanthemum has anti-inflammatory properties, is able to dilate coronary arteries and increase coronary blood flow thereby lowering blood pressure[4].

For a blood pressure-lowering tea, this herb is often paired with Chinese Senna (Jue Ming Zi 决明子)and Prunella vulgaris (Xia Ku Cao 夏枯草).


b. Mulberry leaves for hyperglycemia

Ingredients: Mulberry Leaves (5-10g per person)

Directions: See notes below

Effects: Evacuate Wind and Heat, relieve the Exterior and clear away Heat, nourish Yin and promote fluid production. Modern medical research mentioned that mulberry leaf extracts have blood sugar-lowering effects[5].

Mulberry leaf is usually added to Cinnamon bark (Rou Gui 肉桂)and Solomonseal Rhizome (Huang Jing 黄精)for a savoury drink that has blood sugar controlling effects.


c. Hawthorn fruit for hyperlipidemia


Ingredients: Hawthorn Fruit (5-10g per person)

Directions: See notes below

Effects: To dissipate stagnation, promote Blood circulation and disperse Blood stasis, resolve Phlegm and move Qi. Modern medical research has suggested that hawthorn fruit extract has a significant benefit in symptom control and physiologic outcomes in the treatment of chronic heart failure[6]. Additionally, it has the ability to help decrease levels of triglycerides[7].

Hawthorn fruit can be combined with Notoginseng flower (San Qi Hua 三七花)and Gynostemma Pentaphyllum (Jiao Gu Lan 绞股蓝)to create a potent triglyceride-lowering beverage.



For individuals with 2 or 3 of these conditions concurrently, the above-mentioned ingredients can be mixed-up and switched around to achieve the same effects. For example, an individual with both hypertension and hyperglycemia can have tea with chrysanthemum, mulberry leaf and Prunella vulgaris which is the famous Xia Sang Ju (夏桑菊) that many Chinese people are acquainted with.

The number of ingredients doesn’t matter but for the sake of a tea, we normally keep the number of ingredients at 3 or lower. If you are making tea with 3 herbs for 1 person only, the amount to add is in the range of 1-5g per herb. Multiply the amount by the number of people sharing the drink accordingly.

In summary, these drinks can be drunk safely over the course of a few weeks to a few months*. However, if you do not see any improvements in the conditions after 3 months of consumption, do seek a trained physician or doctor to manage them properly*.

*Not suitable for pregnant women, individuals suffering from fever, patients with severe cases and individuals under medication.


2) Lifestyle and dietary changes



Regardless of the treatments one does, it is always of great importance to also control what we consume in our diets. After all, this trio of metabolic conditions commonly arises from an imbalanced diet. A healthy diet high in fibre and minerals while low in processed food and salt can help to stave off the 3-Highs by slowing down the rate of absorption of glucose, while maintaining the right balance of nutrients for our body. Foods high in fibre include pumpkin, sweet potatoes and radish while minerals can be obtained from fresh fruits, vegetables or supplements. Avoid food that comes in a can as these usually contain more preservatives and additives that can be inflammatory to our body. Chronic inflammation has been known to be associated with increased risk of heart disease or stroke for 20 years, but new studies show that reducing inflammation can lower the likelihood of subsequent heart attacks or strokes by 15%[8].

Maintaining an active lifestyle is also essential for preventing and even reversing the 3-Highs. Exercise helps improve blood circulation, helps our body detox and destress, and releases endorphins – “feel good” hormones that help improve our mood and help us relax. Regular exercise is an inexpensive way to keep the 3-Highs in check. A good guideline is to exercise 3 times a week, for 30 minutes each time while ensuring that your heart rate is at 130 beats per minute.


3) TCM and Tech-enhanced therapies at ORG

In order to tackle all 3-Highs, the common causes mentioned in the table above have to be addressed. TCM is especially able to reduce symptoms of stress as well as obesity. At ORG, we use TCM and Technology-enhanced therapies to improve underlying causes of the 3-Highs.



In a meta-analysis of 31 studies with a total of more than 3000 cases, acupuncture was found to be an effective treatment for obesity[9].

For obesity, acupoints along the Stomach, Conception, Liver, Spleen, Large Intestine meridians are commonly used. These points include (足三里) ZuSanLi ST36, (中脘)ZhongWan CV12, (气海)QiHai CV6,(关元)GuanYuan CV4 (太冲)TaiChong LV3,(合谷)HeGu LI4 among many others. When used together, acupuncture at these points help to stimulate the rhythmic movement of our gut to help with the movement of food in our gastrointestinal tract as well as the clearance of stools. This aids our digestive process and eliminates the buildup of fecal matter in our body. A smooth and efficient digestive process prevents the accumulation of Phlegm and Dampness in the digestive system which can affect our metabolism and cause us to gain weight in the long run.

In addition, acupuncture using abdominal points like(中脘)ZhongWan CV12, (气海)QiHai CV6,(关元)GuanYuan CV4 is thought to be able to “shrink” the size of the stomach. In a study of 40 women with a body mass index (BMI)>30 kg/m2, acupuncture was found to be able to regulate weight through its beneficial effects on hormones such as insulin, leptin, ghrelin and Cholecystokinin in the subjects[10].

Generally, acupuncture is a calmness-inducing treatment as the insertion of fine needles into the body triggers release of endorphins which act both as a painkiller and as a mood enhancer. When we are stressed, we often experience extreme emotions which change our bowel habits. You are likely to experience loose stools when you have fear and constipation when you are worrying or have anxiety. Acupuncture along the Spleen and Stomach Meridian help to control loose stools while acupuncture along the Conception and Liver Meridians help treat constipation. In particular, the stimulation of Liver Meridian helps to move Qi and regulates emotions (In TCM, the Liver is in charge of smooth flowing Qi and your emotions). This helps relieve stress and keep the 3-Highs at bay.



Fire-cupping AKA (拔罐)can help improve metabolism by working on the numerous Shu (俞) points that run along the entirety of our back. Cupping therapy using a glass cup and a naked flame is also known as fire-cupping. It is a therapy that involves the creation of a vacuum using the flame and placing the cup on the bare back of the patient.

A few techniques can be done on the back like flash-cupping, where the cup is placed and then removed from the back after a mere few second; mobile-cupping, where the cup is dragged across the back while still adhering to the flesh of the patient; static cupping where the glass cups are left for up to 5 mins in place. These different techniques stimulate the body in different ways and the heat from the flame helps increase circulation of Blood to the back.

Patients are often left feeling relaxed and calm after a session of cupping and report feeling more energetic in the days after.


Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT)

Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) is one of the technology-enhanced therapies done in our clinics. It utilizes a proprietary mixture of ionized inert gases to help decongest our lymphatic system and clear inflammation. A decongested lymphatic system has numerous benefits to our body. Lipid metabolism and our endocrine health would be improved as transport of triglycerides and hormones involve the lymphatic system. These improvements help to normalise our hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia. And with inflammation cleared, the body shifts from a sympathetic state to a more parasympathetic state. Blood pressure can then be lowered more easily in such a state.

Your healing is the most important!

At Oriental Remedies Group, our physicians are trained in both Biomedical Science and TCM at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and China for a minimum of 5-8 years before being certified to practice in Singapore.

If you or a loved one is suffering from health conditions in relation to the 3-Highs, we would like to help. Please contact us at +65 8087 0486 for a personalized consultation.


This article is written by Senior Physician Lim Jing Yang, Oriental Remedies Group.

Physician Lim is a TCM physician at Oriental Remedies Group, a patient-centred healthcare provider offering effective treatments grounded in TCM and enhanced with medical technology.

Physician Lim Jing Yang

Senior Physician

Physician Lim clinched the prestigious China Government Scholarship to pursue a 3-year Master’s course in BUCM. His  exposure to the wards and outpatient clinics in Dongzhimen Hospital, granted him vast knowledge of integrative approaches used in China, both in TCM and western medicine.
Physician Lim’s utmost passion is to help patients in their male sexual function, fertility and health. He is also knowledgeable about female menstrual issues and fertility due to the strong working connections he has with his colleagues in the gynecology department in Dongzhimen Hospital. We look forward to helping more parents conceive happy babies with Physician’s Lim expertise.

Note: all words in Italics mentioned henceforth refer to the TCM organ system and not the anatomical organs/terms referenced in western medicine.



The information on this page is for information and educational purposes only. Such medical information may relate to disease, injury, drugs and other treatments, medical devices and/or health products. Medical information does not amount to advice, and if advice is needed an appropriate professional help should be sought. The disclaimer asserts that no warranties or representations are given in respect of the medical information, and that the website operator should not be held liable if a user suffers any injury or loss after relying upon the medical information.

Electro-Lymphatic Therapy using Lymph-Drainage XP-II is intended for use only for general well-being purposes or to encourage or maintain a healthy lifestyle, and it is not intended to be used for any medical purposes (such as detection, diagnosis, monitoring, management or treatment of any medical condition or disease). Please consult a physician for any medical advice required.



[1] Lewington S, Clarke R, Qizilbash N, Peto R, Collins R; Prospective Studies Collaboration. Age-specific relevance of usual blood pressure to vascular mortality: a meta-analysis of individual data for one million adults in 61 prospective studies.Lancet. 2002; 360:1903–1913.

[2]  Rapsomaniki E, Timmis A, George J, Pujades-Rodriguez M, Shah AD, Denaxas S, White IR, Caulfield MJ, Deanfield JE, Smeeth L, Williams B, Hingorani A, Hemingway H.Blood pressure and incidence of twelve cardiovascular diseases: lifetime risks, healthy life-years lost, and age-specific associations in 1·25 million people.Lancet. 2014; 383:1899–1911. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60685-1.









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