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Effectively Counter Ageing And Chronic Diseases With TCM | Oriental Remedies

Effectively Counter Ageing And Chronic Diseases With TCM

Ageing is a natural, yet complex process that occurs in everyone. In the latest biomedical research, it is revealed that telomere length can be used as an indicator of a person's biological age (which is different from chronological age). Research has shown that many factors - including exercise, sleep, emotional dysregulation and certain gene mutations [...]
An Integrative TCM Approach To Relieving Your Chronic Pain | Oriental Remedies

An Integrative TCM Approach To Relieving Your Chronic Pain

Are you suffering from chronic pain? Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts or recurs for more than three months. It has been reported that chronic pain affects around 20% of people worldwide. While most people think chronic pain is something that only exists in elderly people, there is a rising trend of our [...]
Improving Male Fertility Using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) | Oriental Remedies

Improving Male Fertility Using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

If you and your spouse have been actively but unsuccessfully trying for a child, please know that you are definitely not alone. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), infertility will be the third most serious health condition after cancer and cardiovascular diseases plaguing humanity in the 21st century. About 40 per cent of married [...]
Chinese Four Herbs Soup – Dessert Edition | Oriental Remedies

Chinese Four Herbs Soup – Dessert Edition

Another common body constitution in Singapore is Qi Deficiency. This constitution greatly affects your immunity. To help, we have adapted a popular soup recipe for dessert to invigorate your Qi. But first, let's look at some common indicators of Qi Deficiency:   Often short of breath/fatigue, dizziness, feeble voice (esp. after exercising) Catch flu/cold easily, [...]
Qi Stagnation Calming Tea | Oriental Remedies

Qi Stagnation Calming Tea

Qi Stagnation. To help, we have concocted a simple Calming Tea recipe. But first, let’s look at some common indicators of Qi Stagnation: Depressed mood, nervous/anxious, timid, respond poorly in stressful situations Emotionally unstable, overtly sensitive and suspicious, anxiety disorder, stiff neck and shoulders Frequent sighing, heart palpitation, susceptible to insomnia, vivid dreams, headache, tightness in the [...]
How Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Help With Cancer Support? | Oriental Remedies

How does Traditional Chinese Medicine help with Cancer Support?

We understand that a cancer diagnosis for you or your loved one can be a distressing and emotional time for you and your family. In this article, we will explain how Oriental Remedies Group can help improve the quality of life for the patient during this tumultuous period, by providing cancer support via Traditional Chinese [...]
What Is The Link Between Traditional Chinese Medicine And Allopathic Western Medicine? | Oriental Remedies

What is the link between Traditional Chinese Medicine and allopathic Western medicine?

A study of San Jiao (三膲) and the Lymphatic system. A lot of our patients have asked us why we spend time educating people about lymphatic health and system, which is seemingly a Western concept, when we are primarily a TCM organization?   To understand the link between the two, we must first understand the [...]
Western Pain Diagnosis Through An Eastern Lens | Oriental Remedies

Western Pain Diagnosis Through an Eastern Lens

The following content was presented by Physician Leong at the Helping CHEN Summit by Pfizer on 11 May 2019. Many people have experienced pain relief with TCM treatments, but often don't understand why they felt their pain go away. In this article written for allopathic doctors (or any curious audience, really), we will cover:   [...]
Far-Infrared Therapy (FIR) – The Science And Benefits | Oriental Remedies

What is Far-Infrared Therapy (FIR) And What Does It Do?

Far-Infrared Therapy involves the use of Far-Infrared Rays (FIR), which are invisible waves of energy that penetrate the surface of the skin to gently elevate the body’s surface temperature and promote body systems’ functions. Thermal therapy has in fact been in existence for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Finns, [...]
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